Our Environment

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Caring for the earth has become an ideal for many!

Actions speak louder than words. At Sydney Lodges we regularly put our thinking caps on to find new ways to become more eco-friendly. We take responsibility for the impact our industry has on the environment and try to live by the 3 Rs as much as possible: first Reduce, then Reuse and finally Recycle.

We believe that every one of us can play a big role by making small choices to help preserve and protect our natural environment. We are not a certified green property but we try to ‘be the change we want to see in the world’, one step at a time. We hope our guests will also want to take part in the movement by making the right choice at their own level too!


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#EARTHLOVER – Our no-housekeeping option*

It might not make sense straight away but guests who choose to forgo housekeeping services are actively taking a sustainable step. How?

  • By not having your towels and bed linen washed every day, you’re saving water. So reuse the same towels and bed linen during your stay, just like you do at home!
  • Not running vacuum cleaners every day in the room saves energy.
  • You will also save $$ as we offer a special discount to guests who choose to be earth conscious

If you have booked the “Earth Lover (no housekeeping)” Rate Type you will receive housekeeping every 4th day of your stay. CLICK HERE TO BOOK TODAY.

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Our organic soaps and in-room toiletries gift
  • Our Ideology products are ethical and 100% carbon neutral
  • The organic ingredients offer you all the goodness of Australian botanicals with Kakadu Plum and Kangaroo Apple Extract
  • We chose skin-loving formulations, made from certified Fair Trade ingredients where possible, free from parabens, CDEA and phthalates
  • Our selection of toiletries are cruelty-free – no animal testing on finished products
  • Soaps are triple-milled, vegan-friendly and made from 100% vegetable soap
  • The tubes are biodegradable, converting the plastic back to earth compounds and are BPA-free and made from 100% recycled plastics
  • Our soap sachets are made from 100% recycled paper with biodegradable inner lining

Read HERE our reasons why we decided not to go down the refillable dispenser route in our hotel rooms. Yes, we have actually put some serious thought into it!

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 We joined the SOAP AID program to bring positive change and help save lives

Did you know it is estimated that 5 million bars of hotel soap are discarded every day in the world? The Soap Aid program is a not for profit organisation recycling and sending critical soap to communities facing major hygiene challenges.

  • Saving Lives: our contribution helps Soap Aid recycle soap and reach more communities and children throughout the world. Handwashing with soap can reduce over 40% of diarrhoea cases and save lives. Every guest room provides 3 children with soap for a whole year!
  • Protecting the Environment: by collecting our waste soap, we are saving millions of bars of soap from overflowing landfills, reducing carbon emissions and the extraction and use of raw materials.
  • Driving the Change: we help build awareness amongst our guests and promote the REUSE philosophy. We show our commitment to CSR outcomes (Corporate Social Responsibility).
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We offer a recycling facility in all our properties

Before arriving at the recycling stage (the last R), we need to first apply the first 2 Rs: Reduce and Reuse. At each of our properties, you will find containers to separate your waste. Our friendly team will direct you to the location of the recycling facility at the property. If you want more information, feel free to visit the City of Sydney website HERE.

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Working towards paperless

The debate between paper-based communication and the use of cloud-based digital alternatives is complex. Sydney Lodges has decided to work towards the reduction of our use of paper and printed documents in our organisation. For us, that choice translates into less toner and the reduction of waste and clutter for a more minimalist experience both for staff and guests. We are conscious though that there is no perfect solution and that cloud-based solutions come with “hidden” environmental costs too.

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Our energy-efficient light fixtures engagement

Compared to traditional incandescents, energy-efficient lightbulbs such as halogen incandescents, compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs), and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) use about 25%-80% less energy than traditional incandescents and can last 3-25 times longer. Sydney Lodges has recognised this benefit to the environment and is well on the way to having 100% energy-efficient light fixtures in all of our properties.

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Like us, live by the 3 Rs – Reduce, Reuse and finally Recycle.

  • choose our EARTHLOVER (no-housekeeping) offer every time you stay with us! You will save $$ and preserve the planet (reduce)
  • don’t ask to change your bed linen or towel every day, reuse them as you would do at home (reduce/reuse) Even if you haven’t booked our Earth Lover (no housekeeping) rate you can request that we don’t change your bed linen or towels every day. Reuse them like you would do at home (reduce/reuse)
  • switch-off the lights, TV and aircon when you leave the room (reduce)
  • take a shorter shower. You might not be paying for this water but the planet is! (reduce)
  • use our in-house recycling program (recycle)
  • bring your reusable water bottle and fill it from the tap in your room rather than buying plastic. Water in Sydney is absolutely safe to drink straight from the tap (reuse)
  • don’t choose takeaway food in disposable containers, eat-in at local cafes and restaurants who use real cutlery and plates (reduce)
  • if you are in a rush to eat then make sure you choose a shop with biodegradable takeaway containers and refuse straws (recycle)
  • drink and eat local products! It means you will lower the carbon emissions used to transport food across the country/globe and Australia does offer some of the world’s best produce! (reduce)
  • take a backpack or a cotton tote-bag when you go to the market or local shops (reduce/reuse)
  • think twice before purchasing little plastic souvenirs that will quickly end up in a garage sale or in the bin. Choose experiences to make souvenirs rather than material goods (reduce)
  • pack light when flying. The more a plane weighs, the more carbon emissions it produces! (reduce)
  • prioritise public transport around Sydney. Between buses, trains, ferries and trams, you have a wide choice of options to get around the city! (reduce)
  • on bush walks, stay on the marked trails and maintain a safe distance from any animals you encounter to preserve wildlife (reduce)

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Image by Colleen Tighe © The Balance 2019